Tag Archives: Smile Africa Ministries

Meet Baby Helen

Many of you have heard, or now seen, that we have had a foster baby from Smile Africa Ministries living with us for the last month and a half.  Her name is Helen and she is absolutely adorable, as I’m sure you can see for yourself! We got the ok to go ahead and share some pics with you all, so here is a little bit about Helen so you can get to know her a little better, as you will be seeing more of her around here!

Helen is five months old, can happy scream and not happy screech VERY loudly, sleeps better than our girls ever did during the night, is super ticklish, and gets frustrated when stuck on her belly! She has a loving father and NINE siblings at home that I’m sure miss her very much. As they are unable to care for her at this time, we get the privilege of loving on her and sharing Jesus’s love with her.

Lillie has stepped into the big sis role pretty naturally, and both Gracie and Lillie love her to pieces, as we all do! We are super thankful that Tia Jia is also here to help love on her, and once again balance the adult to child ratio! We appreciate all your prayers for both our family and for Helen and her family as we continue this foster journey.




